How To Control Urine While Travelling
Stay Hydrated
It is important to stay hydrated while travelling, but consuming too much water can lead to frequent urination. It is recommended to drink water in small amounts throughout the day. Avoid drinking caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they can cause dehydration, leading to a higher risk of urinary tract infections. Moreover, limit your fluid intake during the night to avoid waking up frequently to use the bathroom.
Plan Your Bathroom Breaks
It is essential to plan your bathroom breaks while travelling to avoid any mishaps. If you are travelling by car, plan your route and identify rest stops where you can take a bathroom break. If you are travelling by bus or train, check for available restrooms on board. Moreover, it is advisable to take a bathroom break before boarding your mode of transportation, even if you do not feel the urge to urinate.
Use Protective Products
Using protective products such as adult diapers, pads, or liners can provide a sense of security and prevent any embarrassing situations. They are discreet and easy to use, making them ideal for travelling. Additionally, carrying extra protective products in your travel bag can give you peace of mind in case of an emergency. Disposable products are available in most drug stores and can be easily disposed of after use.
Avoid Trigger Foods
Certain foods and drinks can trigger frequent urination, making it difficult to control your bladder while travelling. Avoid consuming foods and drinks such as caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and citrus fruits that can irritate the bladder and increase the urge to urinate. Instead, consume foods and drinks with a high water content, such as watermelon or cucumber, which can help you stay hydrated without overloading your bladder.
Travelling can be a challenging experience for people with urinary incontinence. However, following these simple tips can help you control your bladder and avoid any embarrassing situations while travelling. Remember to stay hydrated, plan your bathroom breaks, use protective products, and avoid trigger foods to ensure a smooth and stress-free travel experience.
Tip #1 | Stay hydrated |
Tip #2 | Plan your bathroom breaks |
Tip #3 | Use protective products |
Tip #4 | Avoid trigger foods |
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